
Military affiliated? I would love to talk with you about your experiences! Whether you are thinking of enlisting/joining, mid-contract, or a retired veteran, I know both as a servicemember and a therapist/behavioral health specialist that military experience is hard to discuss with people who have not been through it. I also know that the mental health available (both civilian and military) is not quite where it needs to be in order to give you and others in service of our country to support you need and deserve. It is my intention to rectify that by giving quality care and therapy to those in need, especially to my fellow soldiers. Send me an email to let me know if you’re interested in counseling, or just need to chat with someone who understands!


Contact Info

For General comments or questions:

Email: mental.wealth2day@gmail.com

For inquiries about counseling or referrals:


2010 W. 120th Ave. Suite 201   Westminster, CO 80234

Request an appointment or free consultation here: https://mounttabor.clientsecure.me/